Alpha Lead Generation

An agency dedicated to helping small business owners grow their impact online.

Lead Generation
Qualified Leads
Flat Fee & Commission Model
Consistent Delivery
Organic SEO
Page One Ranking
Search Engine Optimized Content
Blog Posts

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You need real customers, not empty promises. And that's what we do. We find interested customers for your business and bring them to you. No headache. No BS. Just business. So you can stop worrying about your online presence and get back to what you do best.

Industries We Serve


Cody Frost


Cody is from Atlanta, GA, and has a background in international business, spending his first few years after college working in consulting for a Big-4 and later an executive search firm. He then spent several years in South America volunteering and providing interview preparation services for people all over the world. He has since shifted his focus to building a digital marketing agency and career coaching, looking to help small businesses and young professionals grow.

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